Proteopedia Logo

We invite all interested researchers, lecturers and students to a hands-on theory course to learn about the research tool Proteopedia (http://proteopedia, given by Dr. Jaime Prilusky, Head of the Bioinformatics Unit at the Weizman Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.

Date: 19 December 2012
Venue: Building 210, Basement floor, Faculty of Biological Sciences, PUC
Registration: (http://melolab

The course will be given in Spanish.
Limited number of participants.
Registration is free.
Flyer download (in Spanish)

Proteopedia ( (http://proteopedia – analogous to Wikipedia – is an interactive resource which facilitates the teaching, study and understanding of three-dimensional protein structures and their role in biological function. Protopedia is widely used in scientific research, for preparation of publication manuscripts and for teaching of biochemistry and medicine from secondary school to postgraduate level.

Session 1 (9:00 am – 1:00 pm)

This introductory session will provide the required knowledge to use this research tool for future work.

Session 2 (3:00 pm – 6:00 pm)

Hands-on session with the aim to create your own entry in Protopedia about a protein of your interest.

Please send all inquiries about the workshop to: (ferodriguez NULL.mbl null@null gmail

Proteopedia Hemoglobin Entry

Institut Pasteur Montevideo

MBL researches Juan José Cifuentes, Andreas Schüller, and Francisco Melo visit our collaborative research partners at the Institut Pasteur of Montevideo (http://www NULL.pasteur, Uruguay. We met with the group of Dr. Sergio Pantano (PI, expert in molecular dynamics simulations) to initiate collaborations in the area of protein-DNA interactions. We further met with Dr. Pablo Oppezzo (Director of the Recombinant Proteins Unit) and with  Dr. Otto Pritsch (Director of the Molecular Biophysics Unit).


XXXV Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile

The entire MBL lab visists the lovely town of Puerto Varas in the south of Chile to attent the XXXV Annual Meeting of the Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Chile (http://www NULL.sbbmch (2-5 October 2012), presenting their research in talks and during the poster sessions.


ISMB 2012, CA, USA

MBL researchers present their results related to spinal cord regeneration of Xenopus laevis, prediction of transcription factor binding sites, and prediction of transcription factor functions at the 20th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (http://www NULL.iscb (ISMB) in Long Beach, CA, USA.

ISCB-LA 2012

Dr. Francisco Melo organizes the ISCB Latin America 2012 Conference on Bioinformatics (http://www NULL.iscb, the second Latin America regional meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), March 17th-21st 2012 in Santiago, Chile. More than 250 researchers, primarily from countries in Latin America, attended and several MBL researchers presented their work.

Manfred Sippl

Dr. Manfred Sippl of the Center of Applied Molecular Engineering (http://www NULL.came NULL.sbg, University of Salzburg, Austria, visits our lab.

Valdivia, Chile

MBL researchers present their work at the XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Chile in Valdivia, Chile.


Dr. Morten Nielsen, expert in immunoinformatics from the Center for Biological Sequence Analysis (http://www NULL.dtu,
Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, visits our lab.


Dr. M. S. Madhusudhan of the Bioinformatics Institute (http://www NULL.bii NULL.a-star, A*STAR, Singapore, visits our lab.

Manfred Sippl

Dr. Manfred Sippl of the Center of Applied Molecular Engineering (http://www NULL.came NULL.sbg, University of Salzburg, Austria, visits our lab.