To compile this program just run make, this uses the g++ compiler and generates a binary named 'formater'. The formater program receives as parameters in the command line the fasta file to be used as input to be formatted. The output of this program generates 2 files, whose names are: 1.- .formated: This file has the input fasta formated (lines with 80 nucleotides and everithing in capital letters), and with correlative numbers instead of the sequence names (starting from 0). 2.- .name: This file contains a table, tab-separated, whose first column is the correlative number associated to the sequence, then it has the sequence name in the input file, and finally it has the sequence length. The formatted output consists of a series of sequences, each one equivalent to the original one, whose names are structurated as follows: > So, the thirth sequence will be called "> 2" (because the correlative numbers start at 0). This program is open source, and thus every program based on this should be open source as well.