PDIdb (Protein-DNA Interface database) is a repository containing relevant structural information of Protein-DNA complexes solved by X-Ray cristallography and available at the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The database includes a simple functional classification of the protein-DNA complexes that consists of three hierarchical levels (Class, Type and Subtype). This classification has been defined and manually curated by humans based on the information gathered from several sources that included PDB, PubMed, CATH and SCOP. The current version of the database contains only structures with resolution of 2.5 Å or higher. A total of 922 entries are currently available.
Curator: Tomás Norambuena < (tanoramb null@null puc>
Last updated: April, 2010
ProBiSite (http://protein NULL.puc NULL.html)
ProBiSite (http://protein NULL.puc NULL.html) (PROtein BInding SITEs) is a database containing all information from the Protein Data Bank (PDB), integrated with the CATH database, and with a ‘home-made’ database that contains useful information about small ligands and protein binding sites in the PDB. This database was built and designed to help in the study of the function/structure relationships in proteins.
Last updated: July, 2002